


Long-Term Disability (LTD) is a benefit provided to all eligible full-time employees following 一年 of full-time continuous employment. 如果员工残疾六个月, 预计将继续残疾, 并符合有限责任公司的资格标准, 他或她可以申请福利.

请注意:当员工的公司正在处理时,员工可能会被批准休假. 如需提交请假申请,请访问 休假


Alternate Benefit Program (ABP) participants are eligible for 长期残疾 好处 after 一年 自会员首次供款之日起计算.


  • 处理大约需要6到8个月 by the Prudential 和 State once the application is submitted.
  • 会员在领取伤残津贴前,必须连续残疾六个月
  • 有限公司的福利由保诚支付,最高可达基本月薪的60%
  • 每月津贴由收到的任何其他津贴如工人补偿抵消, 短期残疾, 或社会保障. 如适用,保诚会通知会员.
  • Disability benefits will be paid as long as member is disabled or until age 70 or begin receiving retirement annuity benefits


  • An employee who is approved for LTD is no longer participating in the State 健康的好处 program as a Montclair employee. 作为“退休人员”,员工将过渡到退休福利(由国家管理)。 .  有关退休人员的信息,请参阅 健康福利覆盖-作为退休人员登记 简报.
  • 会员需支付1美元.在70岁之前的5年里,最高工资的50%的5%.
  • 70岁时, ABP有限公司终止,该成员成为退休人员, 届时,将根据服务年限重新评估健康福利的费用.
  • 在有限公司批准时符合医疗保险资格的成员和/或家属, 须向退休金及福利科申请及提交证明文件吗.


  • 人寿保险-维持在3.5 times pensionable base salary for the last 12 months up to the member’s disability by Prudential.
  • 退休金供款-作为有限公司的一项福利, the member’s (5%) 和 the employer’s (8%) m和atory contributions are automatically credited to the member’s retirement account by Prudential, 而该成员被认为是残疾的.

有关政策详情,请参阅 替代福利计划手册中参与者的长期残疾保险PERS/TPAF 4级和5级以及ABP/DCRP成员的长期残疾 简报.


于5月21日或之前登记的公务员退休制度(PERS)成员, 2010(会员等级, 2, 及3)合资格领取普通伤残及意外伤残退休津贴.

  • 处理大约需要6到8个月
  • 普通残疾每年津贴等于43英镑.你最终平均工资的6%或1%.每年服务学分的最终平均工资的64%, 哪个提供更高的收益.
  • 意外伤残每年津贴等于72英镑.创伤事件发生时你基本工资的百分之七.
  • 福利不因任何可能应付的社会保障或私人保险福利而减少. 但是,您收到的任何工伤赔偿可能会减少.
  • Member must provide medical reports or corroborating evidence that supports application for disability


  • 成员 who apply for a Disability Retirement will be eligible for retiree group coverage under the State 健康的好处 program while the retirement application is being processed. 有关退休人员的信息,请参阅 健康福利覆盖-作为退休人员登记 简报.
  • 成员, 谁的服务年限不超过25年, will be billed for the full cost of their health benefits pending the approval of their Disability Retirement by the State 和 refunded for any premiums paid after the Retirement effective date the State. 
  • If you had 25 or more years of service credit or had an approved Disability Retirement between July 1,1997, 6月27日, 2011 you are governed by the terms applicable on the date you attained 25 years of service credit or your Disability Retirement became effective. 层图
  • 如果你在2011年6月28日之后退休,你的健康福利费用将是1.每月退休津贴的5%.
  • 在退休, members 和/or dependents who are age 65 or have been on Social Security Disability for 24 months or more, 会被要求参加医疗保险吗.


  • 人寿保险-如果你被批准残疾退休, you are covered by group life insurance in the amount of 1 1/2 times your final salary until you reach normal retirement age: age 60 for Tier 1 和 Tier 2 members; age 62 for Tier 3 members. 一旦你到了正常退休年龄, 你的人寿保险自动减少到你最终工资的3/16.
  • 贷款——如果你退休时有未偿还的贷款余额, the monthly loan payment will be calculated to have the loan plus interest satisfied by your five-year loan payoff date (see the Loans 简报)

有关资格和福利的更多详情,请参阅 残疾退休福利 简报.

5月21日以后登记的公务员退休制度(PERS)成员, 2010年(会员等级4和5)有资格获得长期残疾保险.


  • Benefit may be paid out after six consecutive months of disability due to an occupational or nonoccupational condition
  • Monthly benefit is 60 percent of the base salary on which PERS contributions were made during the 12 months preceding the onset of the disability. 
  • 每月福利将被会员可能获得的任何其他定期福利所抵消, 比如工人赔偿, 短期残疾, 或社会保障
  • 在残疾期间或年满70岁时,均可领取津贴



  • 人寿保险- members also remain covered under the PERS Group 人寿保险 to the same extent that they were covered as employees prior to being disabled. 任何雇员须缴付的团体人寿保险保费均由保诚支付. 团体人寿保险的雇主供款由雇主支付.
  • 退休金供款-当成员被视为残疾时, the member’s m和atory contributions are paid by Prudential 和 credited to the member’s PERS or TPAF account. 雇主强制性供款由雇主为成员支付.

有关政策详情,请参阅 PERS/TPAF 4级和5级以及ABP/DCRP成员的长期残疾 简报


Police 和 Firemen’s Retirement System (PFRS) members enrolled are eligible for Ordinary Disability 和 Accidental Disability Retirement.


  • 才有资格领取普通或意外伤残退休福利, you must be a member in service at the time the application is filed with the New Jersey Division of Pensions & 福利(NJDPB). Member in service means that the member or employer was making pension contributions to the retirement system at the time of filing the application for Ordinary or Accidental Disability Retirement AND subsequently have terminated all retirement system-covered employment prior to your disability retirement date.
  • 通常需要6到8个月的处理时间
  • 如果你符合普通残疾退休资格, 每年的福利等于你最终薪酬的40%或1.每一年服务积分的最终补偿的5%,以较高者为准. 
  • 如果你符合意外伤残退休资格, the annual benefit is equal to 2/3 of your annual compensation on which pension contributions were being made at the time of retirement or the date of the traumatic event, 哪个提供更高的收益
  • 福利不因任何可能应付的社会保障或私人保险福利而减少. 但是,您收到的任何工伤赔偿可能会减少.
  • Member must provide medical reports or corroborating evidence that supports application for disability



  • 贷款——如果你退休时有未偿还的贷款余额, the monthly loan payment will be calculated to have the loan plus interest satisfied by your five-year loan payoff date (see the Loans 简报)
  • 人寿保险-  members group life insurance will be equal to 3 1/2 times compensation until age 55, 什么时候会降到工资的50%. 当团体人寿保险减少时, members have 31 days to convert the amount of insurance reduced to private individual insurance coverage. 请参阅 团体人寿保险的转换 了解更多信息.

有关政策详情,请参阅 残疾退休福利 简报.


成员 must complete 和 submit a preliminary eligibility determination to the NJ Division of Pensions 和 福利(NJDPB).

如果NJDPB认为你有资格申请, 您将收到一份长期残疾保险申请表. 

长期伤残保险申请表必须提交至 HR-好处@modernfilmfest.net 获得认证.


短期残疾(STD)在工作期间可作为工资延续 请假/缺勤 to all eligible employees 和 is administered by the Department of Labor 和 Workforce 发展. 


Temporary Disability 好处 can partially replace your wages when you have to stop working due to a physical or mental health condition or other disability unrelated to your work, 包括怀孕/分娩和COVID-19. 你可以在该州的网站上找到有关资格和申请过程的信息 在这里.


Family Leave Insurance benefits can partially replace your wages when you have to stop working to care for a family member/loved one with a physical or mental health condition, 与新生儿建立联系, 或者办理与家庭暴力、性暴力有关的事项. 你可以在国家网站上找到有关资格和申请过程的信息 在这里


查看我们的 常见问题 或与福利团队联系 HR-好处@modernfilmfest.net.