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Security Tips

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Information Security is important at all times, while at work, at home, and when traveling. Implementing safe cybersecurity best practices is important for individuals as well as organizations of all sizes. Using strong passwords, updating your software, 点击可疑链接前三思, and turning on multi-factor authentication are the basics of what we call “cyber hygiene” and will drastically improve your online safety.


Password Protecting Files

Everyday Security

  • Practice Good Password Hygiene

    • Choose strong passwords. Remember, “longer is stronger”
    • 避免对不同的帐户使用相同的密码
    • Do not share your passwords with anyone
    • Store your passwords securely using a password manager (not on a post-it under your keyboard)
  • Report Suspicious Behavior

    • 如果您遇到任何可疑的行为,如未经授权的弹出, virus warnings, computer behavior, etc., immediately contact your local tech team or the Service Desk at 973-655-7971, option 1
    • 对潜在恶意软件的早期检测和快速响应至关重要
  • Remember to Log Out

    • 花点时间退出电脑或网络应用程序很简单, yet often forgotten, way to protect data.
  • Be Alert for Phishing Scams

    • 不要轻易相信链接或附件
    • 注意常见的标志,比如奇怪的“来自:”地址, poor spelling or grammar, 或要求提供个人信息或凭据
    • Please visit our Phishing webpage for a more information
Safer Remote Computing

With increased use of remote access, it is important to remain mindful of ways to minimize the risk to University and personal information. 以下是一些更安全的远程计算提示:

  • 如果你有学校发放的笔记本电脑, please use it for all of your work related needs to take advantage of the built-in security features.
  • 避免与他人(家人、孩子等)共用你的大学笔记本电脑.),当然,永远不要与任何人分享你的NetID密码.
  • If you must use your personal computer for work related needs, please consider the following:
    • 确保你的电脑安装了最新的系统补丁和错误修复程序.
    • 始终使用杀毒软件,并检查它是否正在运行和积极更新. If you do not have anti-virus software, you can download Sophos Antivirus by logging into the MSU Software Repository.
    • 不使用NetID密码登入你的个人电脑. This can help to protect your NetID account if your personal computer is compromised by malware or other security issue.
  • Be cautious when connecting to wireless networks off-campus in public spaces such as restaurants, airports, etc. 这些无线网络通常不使用安全连接方法.

When traveling, we tend to worry more about our physical security than our cyber security. 下面是一些旅行时要记住的小贴士:
  • Be Cautious of Public Wi-Fi Networks

    • 避免连接不安全的公共Wi-Fi网络. When connected to a Wi-Fi network the user’s device sends information over that network without encryption.
    • 公共密码保护的网络仍然可能构成威胁. Hotels are famous for password protecting their networks but everyone who is staying in the hotel gets access to the same network which still leaves your information potentially available to a large number of people.
    • An alternative to connecting to public networks is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which will keep your information encrypted and adds additional protections to your data.
  • Disable Auto Join for Wi-Fi Networks

    Our devices are set up to automatically connect to available wireless networks and Bluetooth devices. 关闭自动连接,只有在确定需要时才手动连接. 自动连接到我们家里的日常设备, in our cars, 工作场所在旅行时很有帮助,但也很危险.

    • iPhone:
      Turn off Wi-Fi by navigating to Settings > Wi-Fi > Toggle Off
      Turn off Auto Join by navigating to Settings > Wi-Fi > Ask to Join Networks > Off
      Turn off Bluetooth by navigating to Settings > Bluetooth > Toggle Off
    • Android:
      Turn off Wifi and Bluetooth by navigating to Settings > Connections. 如果你不需要它们,点击每个按钮旁边的按钮来关闭它们. 当每个按钮旁边的按钮变成灰色时,你就知道它已经关闭了.
      Turn off Auto Join by navigating to Settings > Connections > Wifi > Choose the Wifi network and tap the button next to Auto Reconnect
  • Minimize Location Sharing

    在这段时间里,你可能想在社交媒体上更新地点和照片. Doing this allows criminals to know where you are staying and that your home is unoccupied and available for break in. 这里有一些有用的建议,可以在发帖时考虑一下:

    • 度假回来后把照片贴出来,把风险降到最低
    • Turn off location sharing if possible
    • 一些应用程序依赖于你的位置,比如地图,这在旅行中很重要. Most devices allow you the option to only have these location services on when that particular apps is in use.
      • This can be set when you first open the app or you can navigate to the app permissions on your device via settings.
  • 更新操作系统和应用程序

    Updating all operating systems and applications across all devices will give you the latest security updates and offer you the most protection. 这将修复在以前版本中发现的任何错误或漏洞.

  • Practice Safe Web Browsing

    网站以cookie的形式存储有关您的有价值的个人信息. 如果你连接到公共网络,安全浏览就变得更加重要了. Make sure you are connecting to websites via HTTPS (the lock in the corner of the address bar of your browser).

  • Phishing

    无论是在家里还是在旅行中,你都很容易受到网络钓鱼骗局的影响. 这些诈骗可以通过电子邮件、电话和短信发生. 确保检查所有常见的攻击者迹象. Please visit our Phishing webpage for a more information.

  • Backup Your Data Before Leaving

    备份你的数据是应该定期做的事情, 但最重要的是,你应该在旅行前备份你的数据. 丢失智能手机或笔记本电脑代价高昂, 但大多数时候,其中包含的数据更为关键. 创建数据备份,包括个人、工作和其他重要文件. 如果可能的话,将其存储在物理驱动器或云存储服务上.

  • Physical Security

    Do not leave your devices unattended. Meal times are optimum times for thieves to check for unattended devices in hotel rooms. Avoid advertising that you have devices by keeping them in your pocket or bag if you do not need them.如果您在公共场所使用您的设备, pay attention to people “shoulder surfing” in order to obtain your passwords as you type them in. Consider attaching asset tags to your devices so that you can track them if they are stolen.

  • Secure Your Passwords

    一定要确保使用唯一且定期更换的安全密码. Make sure to create different passwords for each platform to reduce the impact if a password is compromised.We suggest implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) such as DUO or Google Authenticator to ensure 2-step protection. We also recommend using a password manager such as LastPass to keep track of all passwords.

  • Skimmer Devices/Credit Cards vs. Debit Card Use While Traveling

    Skimmer devices allow criminals to gain access to your credit and debit cards information without having to touch you or using your physical card. The best suggestion would be to look into a RFID wallet or cardholder to prevent data theft of your cards.When traveling, try to use a credit card over a debit card when making purchases whether online or in person. Using a debit card will allow criminals direct access to your bank account and information while a credit card charge can be easily disputed.

    More Information


Information Security Policies

If you would like more information on our security policies and procedures, please check out our Information Security Policies video.

From a computer,将鼠标指针移动到链接上而不单击. The actual web address of the link should appear at the bottom of the browser window or in a pop-up.

从运行iOS(苹果)或Android操作系统的移动设备, you can evaluate embedded links by pressing and holding the link down with your finger or stylus. 应该出现一个弹出对话框,然后放手. 对话框应该显示嵌入链接的完整URL和其他选项.

If the web address shown by the hover over does not match the text or intended context of the link, it may be spoofed. For example, if a link to “” or “Montclair State University” appears to be pointing to another domain such as “”, that may be a spoofed link.

Keep in mind that malicious websites may be created to look very similar to a legitimate site but the URL may use a variation in spelling or a different domain (e.g. .com or .net). 如果你不能断定它是安全的,不要点击它!