
Voice Operations offers a number of solutions that will extend the functionality/mobility of your campus phone and assist you with flexible or mobile working arrangements.  These solutions are summarized below. (Note: the title of each section links to additional information regarding that feature.)

Each solution requires some configuration by Telecom.  You can request each of these features by filling out the 网上激活表格.


This feature integrates your campus extension with 固定手机号码1个 and gives you the ability to make and receive campus extension calls using either your campus extension phone or your mobile phone. After the feature has been enabled for you, you may activate or deactivate it either from your campus phone or from your designated mobile number.  当它被激活时, calls received on your 大学 extension will ring on both your 大学 phone and the configured mobile device simultaneously. Calls from your mobile phone will appear as coming from your 大学 extension when calls are placed to 大学 direct phone numbers, e.g., 973-655-1000.  Voicemails will remain on your campus extension. Requests for 扩展到蜂窝网络 configuration can be made by using the link above and selecting ‘扩展到蜂窝网络’.


This feature allows you to forward calls received by your campus extension to a designated number of your choice. After the feature has been enabled for you, you may activate or deactivate it either from your campus phone or from your designated mobile number.  Voicemails will remain on your campus extension. Requests for 增强呼叫前转 configuration can be made by using the link above and selecting ‘增强呼叫前转’.


This feature sends a copy of new incoming voicemail to your Gmail inbox as an audio file attachment. Voicemail messages that are deleted from your email inbox are automatically deleted from your phone voicemail box.  Requests for the voicemail to email feature can be made by using the link above and selecting ‘Opt In For Voicemail Delivery via Email’. You will still be able to access your traditional voicemail by pressing the envelope button on your desk phone, 拨号ext. 你桌上的电话是5323, or by calling (973) 655-5323 from off campus even if you enable this feature.  


The 软电话 application allows you to receive and make calls directed to/from your campus extension using your laptop or desktop.  当您登录软电话时, calls to your campus extension number will ring and be answered via your laptop (rather than on your campus phone).  You can also make calls from your laptop which will appear to come from your campus extension number.  When you log out of 软电话, calls will again ring and be answered via your campus phone.   Initial 软电话 rollout is to Microsoft Windows users.   Requests for password information can be made by using the link above and by selecting the ‘软电话’ option. 您的临时密码, along with installation and usage documentation will be provided by our Telecom engineers.


This updated voicemail portal is an easy-to-use web-based interface that allows you to access voicemail messages, 改变的问候, 添加联系人, 创建分发列表, 设置通知, 重置语音信箱密码, 等. Requests for access to the voicemail portal can be made by using the link above and by selecting ‘Access to the 统一语音邮箱Portal’. This portal can be accessed on campus, or remotely when connected via VPN to the 大学 network. Requests for password information can be made by using the link above and by selecting the ‘Access to the 统一语音邮箱Portal’ option.